Friday, June 19, 2009

Major Retraction!!

Last Sunday I: Made a really big mistake in confusing my Sundays for this month's Father's Day. So~~~all you Dads, Grandpas and Papas out there, just save the message and read it again this Sunday, June 21, 2009!!! So sorry about the mix-up, although the message is the same.

A new post is just around the corner as well! See 'ya~~


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Father's Day.

Just a quick note today, to let all those Dads and Grandpas in our lives know that we're thinking about you, appreciating you and loving you today (and every day). We hope all of you have a relaxing and fulfilling day and evening. Love 'ya~~Ann & Kids.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Signs of Summer & a Friendly Squirrel

Today my post is going to be a little out of the previously chosen format. Today I just want to post some pictures of signs of summer around our house. As well, the aforementioned picture of a very friendly squirrel in our parts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today They (Chelsea, Ethan & Aubrey):
  • Stayed at home with me and found much to busy themselves as I worked.
  • Gabriel is in full-time day camp at Warren Early Childhood Center during the week. The day camp is called the Fun Time Family Resort, and is chock full of tropical-themed rooms (classrooms during the trad. school year) with much to keep his little body and mind busy; love that. He visits the "resort" from 9:00A - 4-4:30P, M-F. Wednesday and Friday are also "water days," where the campers are allowed to play in multiple baby swimming pools set up on one of the outside playgrounds, as well as other fun water toys. A "theme day" on Thursdays rounds out the weekly schedule. I think big sisters and brother are beginning to become a bit jealous!

Today I:

  • Worked at a fairly steady pace until 3:00P.
  • Made an appointment to have the air conditioner, "diagnosed."
  • Didn't drink nearly enough coffee and ate way too many Milk Duds. See Karen--I splurge!!!
  • Received some sad news from a good friend.
  • Shipped Ethan off to have his long-awaited overnight with G&G Ford; we'll see him tomorrow (Wed.) afternoon.
  • Watered my dehydrated Mother's Day flowers (courtesy of Greg P.) P.S.) They're still alive and flourishing!
  • Battled the laundry monster for an hour or so.

Today We:

  • (Chelsea, Aubrey & I) Went to the grocery store and Target.
  • Picked Gabriel up from day camp.
  • Had conversations about whose turn it was to go to G&G Ford's next for an overnight; Aubrey declared she would like to go by herself this time--Chelsea was just fine with that.
  • Bought a new American flag for the front porch--just because.
  • Landed some cool party goodies (from Target) for Chelsea's August birthday celebration.

Today's Music: Various video clips of Natalie Merchant (10,000 Maniacs fame) on YouTube. Wanna watch one?

Quote of the Day (Chelsea): "I need to go to the bookstore, because I, like, need a bunch of books, because I'm really bored. " Hmm, well, if you hurry up and turn 16, get a job, yield your first paycheck, take Driver's Ed., save the money from your job to pay half for your first car, then you can go to the bookstore and buy all the books you want! That is, if you have any money left and you're still bored. Love you punkin'! Mama**

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hey and hello to anyone and everyone visiting today. This is the pilot post for Qwerty Qwips, where I hope to be keeping friends and family up to speed on my whereabouts, goings on and general stuff of life. My plan is to create somewhat of a consistent format for each day of the week, as well as daily themes with regard to our family life. See example below:

Today We:
  • Attended the closing game of Ethan's U7/8 spring 2009 soccer season. Wacky Dynamites won their final game, with E-Man racking up one of the scoring goals. Greg, Chelsea, Aubrey, myself, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Nancy were all in attendance. The weather cooperated with plenty of sunshine and a great breeze. Talk of fall season was in the air.

Today They:

  • Played in the sprinkler (Aubrey and Gabriel).
  • Watched their two favorite channels; Noggin and Sprout.
  • Colored with colored pencils and markers.
  • Played with stuff and generally goofed around.

Today I:

  • Did normal Saturday chores around the house.
  • Played on the internet.
  • Did a bit of organizing and sorting.
  • Welcomed the AAA Exterminating man in for his annual termite inspection (excitement abounds). We were bug free.
  • Hung the summer garden flag.
  • Took some pretty cool pictures of one of the very tame Chatham Walk squirrels. Will probably post this tomorrow.
  • Caught a small spider with a Dixie cup and released it back into the wild. HUGE step for me and anyone acquainted with my arachnophobia.

Tunes from Today:

  • Soundtrack from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
  • Station 104.5 on the kitchen transistor radio; not-so-great reception to boot.

Today's Quote:

From Aubrey,while eating a Hershey's Hug for her treat after lunch.

"I like chocolate; it's melty, like ice cream, but not like apples or pickles." Okie doke Tatey Cake. Gotta love a girl on her own page.

Today's High/Low:

  • Witnessing Gabriel engaging Aubrey in play; giggling and wrestling, just like big brother and sister.
  • The spider.