I am a contentedly occupied single mother of 4 children; Chelsea, Ethan, Aubrey and Gabriel, and reside on the eastern side of Indianapolis, IN. There I work from home as a medical transcriptionist, a field I have enjoyed for the past 15 years.
I am fiercely addicted to coffee, chocolate, rhythm & blues and any works written by the magnificent Miss Jane Austen. My love of scrapbooking and journaling led me to the natural progression of creating this blog, which you are about to navigate through. Please feel free to leave a comment regarding my posts or any original thoughts as well. I appreciate your visit. Peace to you.
Today my post is going to be a little out of the previously chosen format. Today I just want to post some pictures of signs of summer around our house. As well, the aforementioned picture of a very friendly squirrel in our parts. Enjoy!