Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hey and hello to anyone and everyone visiting today. This is the pilot post for Qwerty Qwips, where I hope to be keeping friends and family up to speed on my whereabouts, goings on and general stuff of life. My plan is to create somewhat of a consistent format for each day of the week, as well as daily themes with regard to our family life. See example below:

Today We:
  • Attended the closing game of Ethan's U7/8 spring 2009 soccer season. Wacky Dynamites won their final game, with E-Man racking up one of the scoring goals. Greg, Chelsea, Aubrey, myself, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Nancy were all in attendance. The weather cooperated with plenty of sunshine and a great breeze. Talk of fall season was in the air.

Today They:

  • Played in the sprinkler (Aubrey and Gabriel).
  • Watched their two favorite channels; Noggin and Sprout.
  • Colored with colored pencils and markers.
  • Played with stuff and generally goofed around.

Today I:

  • Did normal Saturday chores around the house.
  • Played on the internet.
  • Did a bit of organizing and sorting.
  • Welcomed the AAA Exterminating man in for his annual termite inspection (excitement abounds). We were bug free.
  • Hung the summer garden flag.
  • Took some pretty cool pictures of one of the very tame Chatham Walk squirrels. Will probably post this tomorrow.
  • Caught a small spider with a Dixie cup and released it back into the wild. HUGE step for me and anyone acquainted with my arachnophobia.

Tunes from Today:

  • Soundtrack from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
  • Station 104.5 on the kitchen transistor radio; not-so-great reception to boot.

Today's Quote:

From Aubrey,while eating a Hershey's Hug for her treat after lunch.

"I like chocolate; it's melty, like ice cream, but not like apples or pickles." Okie doke Tatey Cake. Gotta love a girl on her own page.

Today's High/Low:

  • Witnessing Gabriel engaging Aubrey in play; giggling and wrestling, just like big brother and sister.
  • The spider.

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull day!!!! I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!!!

    Love you all!! Ash, Kar and Tim
